Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tattoo Fade Cream - Will Using a Topical Tattoo Removal Product Really Work?

Many people who wanted a tattoo removed discovered the truth hurts. Laser tattoo removal was painful, expensive and did not do the job. Laser peddlers over-promise and under-deliver.

A tattoo fade cream is painless, affordable, and works over time to tone down ink. Click away from any website promising to "erase" a tattoo. A good tattoo fade cream promises to wash out ink. It sometimes over-delivers.

• One in four American adults has at least one tattoo.
• Of those, one in five is considering tattoo removal.
Source: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Some chemists are trying to develop ink specifically designed to fall apart when zapped by a laser. This is because the ink that artists currently use does not dissolve easily when hit with bursts of energy.
Chemists have been successful designing creams to safely, gradually diminish body art.

What's in a good tattoo fade cream?

1. Alpha-Arbutin. It's from a bush. People used to put the leaves over wounds. By accident they discovered it faded the color of their skin. Alpha arbutin helps draw ink to the skin surface, to be naturally shed.
2. Kojic acid. Asians take it like vitamins. They noticed their skin lightened. It draws out pigment. Tat ink is just pigment that a needle has put into skin.
3. Marine algae and plankton add more fading properties.

What's in a risky tattoo fade cream?

1. Harsh chemicals.
2. Anything that says it causes skin to peel.
3. Anything with onion extract or vitamin E. They don't work.
4. TCA. It's an acid, it's dangerous and it should never be used on darker skin. It makes tats worse. Get it in your eyes, mouth or in a cut and it can be toxic.

You'd shop around for the right laser guy. Look around for the right tat remover. Good ones keep their promises.

For more information about Tattoo Removal, please click the following links. Read articles about a variety of removal options as well as read a detailed product review of the leading topical tattoo removal creams and gels.

Click Here: Tattoo Removal Options

Or Here: Tat Removal Blog

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  1. Egyptian mummies from 4000 BCE show evidence of attempts at tattoo removal cost. However, since most people live in the present moment, rather than in anticipation of future endeavors, tattoos remain popular

  2. The skin serves as a useful tattoo removal cream on which to portray statements of individuality, sexuality, boelonging, machismo, frustration, boredom, and anger. However, the quest for identity by teenagers often becomes irrelevant or embarrassing by age 40 years, and 50% or more of individuals later regret their tattoos.
